Prevalence of Colorectal Cancer

With almost 1.4 million new cases of colorectal cancer each year worldwide it presents 9.7% of the total global cancer cases.

Survival Rates of Colorectal Cancer

Since the mid-1980s the colorectal cancer death rate has been dropping due in part to increased awareness and screening. By finding more polyps and cancer in the earlier (local and regional) stages, it is easier to treat the disease. Improved treatment options have also contributed to a rise in survival rates.

  • The five-year survival rate for colorectal cancer found at the local stage is 90%.
  • The five-year survival rate for colorectal cancer found at the regional stage is 70%.
  • The five-year survival rate for colorectal cancer found at the distant stage today is up to 20%.
  • According to the results of EUROCARE-5 countries with lowest survival for most cancers are in Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia). The survival in those countries is below European mean, particularly for good prognosis cancer like colorectal cancer and other (lymphoma and skin melanoma).

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