
Nutrition, family, work and many other topics to adjust to when living with CRC.

What Is Survivorship?

Surviving cancer is often defined in several ways. One common definition is a person having no disease after the completion of his or her treatment.

Another common definition is the process of living with, through and beyond cancer.

By this definition, cancer survivorship begins when a person is diagnosed. It includes people who continue to have treatment to either reduce the risk of a cancer recurrence (return of cancer after treatment) or to manage the disease over a long time.

In some ways, moving from the period of “active treatment” into survivorship is one of the most complex aspects of the cancer experience because it is different for every person.

Survivorship focuses on health and the physical, psychological, social and economic issues affecting people after the end of the primary treatment for cancer.

Several associations have developed information booklets about survivorship. The purpose of these booklets is to help you as the survivor and your loved ones prepare for life after treatment. Each booklet provides information on issues that can arise, the importance of follow-up care and healthy lifestyle choices and support options.

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