
DiCE Board

The Digestive Cancers Europe Board is elected by the General Assembly for a period of three years. In June 2022 we will elect a new Board and are looking for three candidates. Digestive Cancers Europe encourages all DiCE Full Member Organisations to nominate an appropriate representative to stand for this upcoming election.

Being a part of the DiCE Board can be a personally rewarding experience that allows you to influence health related policy and actions at both a European and local level. We invite you to download the key documents below. The handbook outlines what you can expect from this exciting role. If you need help with the application form please contact Ghislaine Gerbier, Administrative Manager. We look forward to hearing from you!

Would you like to understand more about how DiCE is governed? Please download and read our constitution below.

DiCE Annual Reports

Discover our efforts to represent the needs of digestive cancer patients and their carers at national and European levels. The Annual Report highlights our awareness campaigns, events, projects, publications, and policy work. It also showcases the impactful activities conducted by our member organisations across Europe.

Our Financials

DiCE is an international non-profit association. We welcome any funding that may improve the situation of patients and of society. Integrity is essential to our success, and we adhere to the principles of independence, impartiality, transparency and objectivity. For our accounts, please consult the documents below. To know more on funding please visit our funding policy.

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